"It is our function as artists to make the spectator to see the world our way, attempt to make art more than just something to look at, we want it to be something to be involved in, something too big to ignore."

Sunday, July 13, 2008

where is your head at?

Love the life you're in. Not just the life you dream about.

I do. I live by this.
I love my job, my house, my girlfriend, even my car. I do.
Not saying you shouldn't try to improve yourself.
That would be the complete opposite way of thinking.
We all have dreams, goals, hopes and paths. Work into the right direction.
You never know when you will go.
So don't take your life for granted. 
When your moment is up, it's up.
Use every opportunity that has come your way, but don't step on people in the process.
Improve, care and love yourself.
You are you right now too.

Make no mistake about it. 
This is now. This is life. This is you, who you are.
You are amazing.
You are beautiful.
You have succeeded so far.
Applaud yourself for this.
Don't forget where you were and who you were 2 years ago.
And don't forget who you are now 2 more years from now.

And this last piece of advice I have to offer is so important. I need to listen too.
Green, Yellow, Red, Blue. 
You GO in life and make your way, 
But when you YEILD in life for a moment, your moment passes.
Then you STOP and end the momentum.
Now you have become HANDICAPPED.

Good night dreamers. I am heading there too.

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